Actor Sreenivasan lashed at the superstars and the waning quality of Malayalam films at a meet the press conducted at Calicut Press Club on Monday. "The superstars control the Malayalam film field without considering quality by acting in all the substandard films offered to them. With this act they are cheating the public. Superstars are not outdated and that is why they continue as superstars. But without selecting the best scripts, they are getting involved in the production of low quality films. They can wait for good films. It is more regretful that they are least bothered to do good roles.
The practice of writing for a Superstar, considering the mannerism is not advisable. In foreign countries designated agencies scrutinize the script and approve it and then the producers accept it. After this process they decide the director and actors. This is the method to be adopted.
There is no such division in films called Art and Commercial. There are only two types of films, good and bad. The films I do make me happy. Even if you give me Rs. 15 crores and 15 years, I cannot make the kind of film that Satyajit Ray made. When asked about the future plans of his son Vineeth, he replied, let him choose his own path. I don't think he would act in films in the future. He is about to direct a film. Director of the film Makante Achan, V.M. Vinu also attended the press meet and said, "It is difficult to get a prominent actor in Malayalam to accept a role with a wife and teenage son. Under these circumstances I approached Sreenivasan and he wholeheartedly accepted it."
The practice of writing for a Superstar, considering the mannerism is not advisable. In foreign countries designated agencies scrutinize the script and approve it and then the producers accept it. After this process they decide the director and actors. This is the method to be adopted.
There is no such division in films called Art and Commercial. There are only two types of films, good and bad. The films I do make me happy. Even if you give me Rs. 15 crores and 15 years, I cannot make the kind of film that Satyajit Ray made. When asked about the future plans of his son Vineeth, he replied, let him choose his own path. I don't think he would act in films in the future. He is about to direct a film. Director of the film Makante Achan, V.M. Vinu also attended the press meet and said, "It is difficult to get a prominent actor in Malayalam to accept a role with a wife and teenage son. Under these circumstances I approached Sreenivasan and he wholeheartedly accepted it."
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